

9 to 5 Macにて、iPhone 5の背面にはアルミ素材が採用され、液晶が大きくなるだろうと、ある情報筋の話が掲載してありました。


A source from Foxconn who we believe to be reliable has provided us with some information about Apple’s fifth-generation iPhone. Most of the information lines up with past reports but we have also learned a few new details. Most notably is that the iPhone 5 has already been seen at Foxconn and is soon going into the normal mass production stages. In terms of design, the iPhone 5 is said to look fairly similar to the iPhone 4 except for two very important differences: materials and screen size.

引用元:iPhone 5 prototypes spotted: metal back, larger display, iPhone 4 shape? | 9 to 5 Mac iPhone 5 prototypes spotted: metal back, larger display, iPhone 4 shape? | Apple Intelligence

もう僕は毎年iPhoneを買い換えると決めているのでデザインが毎年変わるのは非常に嬉しい! この噂のとおりiPhoneがMacBookのようなアルミ素材を採用してくれれば、MacBookとの統一感も増しますしねぇ。どうせなら裏だけと言わず表もアルミにしてほしい!


ちなみに、iPhone 5のDock部品らしき写真も上がっていました。