Recent market rumors have indicated that Apple’s iPhone 5 is likely to come with a dual-LED flash with Taiwan-based LED packaging firms Everlight Electronics, Edison Opto and Lite-On Technology being pinpointed as potential suppliers. The rumors come amid market reports indicating that Apple reduced its orders for Lumileds high-power LED flash products from Philips recently and switched the orders for LED flashes to Taiwan makers.Edison, which is specialized in the production of high-power LEDs, has begun shipping its LED flash products to branded handset vendors and therefore has a high chance of winning dual-LED flash orders from Apple, the sources noted.
引用元:iPhone 5 to come with not one, but 2 LED flashes? | 9 to 5 Mac | Apple Intelligence
もしや、光右のLEDで対象物をずっと照らしつつ撮れることが可能になって、暗いところでも綺麗に撮れるようになったり? いやー期待したいところですなー。
ちなみに和洋風◎では、過去にもiPhone 5のカメラについて、以下のエントリーを書いています。
APPLE LINKAGEさんによると、Appleがこの1〜2ヶ月の間、iPhone4のLEDカメラフラッシュの注文を大幅に縮小しているそうです。
引用元:iPhone 5はカメラが進化!? AppleがiPhone 4のLEDカメラフラッシュの注文を大幅に縮小している件。 | 和洋風◎