
iPhone SE 2。5月もしくは6月に発売か。

iPhone SE

Photo by: John Jones


それはiPhone SE 2のものかもしれないとBGRが伝えています。(出所はconsomac.fr

French Apple blog Consomac discovered the filings in the Eurasian Economic Commission database. The EEC has revealed new upcoming iPhone model numbers several times in the past, and they’re typically posted on the site about a month before they’re announced and released to the public. In this case, a whopping 11 different iPhone model numbers have appeared in the database, and none of them correspond to any currently available iPhone models.

引用元:Regulatory filings suggest Apple’s first new iPhone of 2018 could debut in May or June – BGR

記述されていたモデルナンバーは、A1920, A1921, A1984, A2097, A2098, A2099, A2101, A2103, A2104, A2105, A2106となっており、当然iPhone X(A1865, A1901, A1902)よりも先のナンバーになっています。

iPhone 8 プロダクトレッドが出て忘れていましたが、そういやiPhone SE 2ってやつもいましたね。。。


Posted from SLPRO X for iPhone.